Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol Picture 8. Car ID 24889

Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol
Kia Seltos HTX Smartstream G1.5 IVT Petrol

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