Choosing the appropriate oil depends on the engine specifications and the environmental conditions. If you want to know the right engine oil for your car, read the points below:
* Use standard oil: Ensure that the oil you chosen is approved by SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers). Every container of reputed motor oil contains certain labels, which tells the viscosity number and whether the oil has passed the Energy Conservation test.
* Choose the oil recommended by the owner's manual: The car maker recommend the best oil for each vehicle it produces. If you choose something other than recommended, it will badly affect the warranty of your car.
* Choose oil based on the engine: Keep in mind that the petrol and diesel engine uses different oil. When compared to the petrol engine, the diesel engine uses heavier and thicker oil.

* Advantage of a multi- grade oil: Unlike the single grade oils, multi-grade oils work over a temperature range. Eg:10W-40. Here the two number mean that its multi viscosity oil. '10W ' refers to how the oil flows at low temperatures and '40' refers to how it flow at higher temperature.
* Oil viscosity: Viscosity of oil is vital factor in determining which type is right for your car. An oil's thickness changes with respect to the outside temperature variations. It will become thinner with warmer temperatures and thicken when it's cold.
* Advantage of using additives: The additives assist oil in maintaining good lubrication. It also help minimize sludge and varnish, and any damage from their formation. Some of additive ingredients are viscosity-index improvers, antiwear additives, detergents, foam inhibitors and friction modifiers.
* Oil considerations for older car: It is recommended that owners should switch to a higher-viscosity oil when the car became older. As a car ages, the gaps between engine parts grow larger and causes less oil to reach its critical parts.