* Keep a first aid kit:
Must keep a first-aid kit in your car. It will help you to do the first medical treatment if an accident occurs. The first aid kit should contain bandages, medical tape, scissors, rubber gloves, alcohol swabs, antibiotic ointment, aspirin or other painkillers.

* Keep some water and cloth:
Dusty/ dirty windshield may obstruct you view. So clean the windshield using water and cloth. Use the wiper only after cleaning the windshield. Otherwise, it will make scratches in the windshield, which will further disturb your view.
* Keep shovel and a tow rope:
Both shovel and tow rope are really helpful if your car stuck in the mud. The muck around the tyres can be loosen using the shovel and the tow rope will help you to drag the car.
*Keep a charged cell phone:
Always keep a fully charged cell phone with contain emergency contacts. This will help you to make urgent calls at the time of emergency situations.
* Keep a hammer:
If the power windows and locks of your car are disabled, you can use the hammer to break the window shield and you can escape from the car.
* Keep an extra tyre:
Its always better to keep an extra tyre (in good working condition) in your car. It is always helpful when you are in a long journey, because the chance of tyre damage can't be avoided.
* Keep necessary food items:
Keep some adequate amount of food materials and drinking water. It is useful if you are stuck in the traffic, especially when there are kids in the car.
* Keep an Umbrella:
Always keep an umbrella inside your car inspite of rainy or summer season. Its better to keep a plastic handy bag so that you can keep the wet umbrella in rainy season.